09 декември 2015

Beady Ornament / "Бижу" за коледната украса

I haven't made anything special for Christmas for a looong time so I took the opportunity with the 5th Art Bead Scene Ornament Blog Hop. I just had to use wire - my new passion! I made a wire cage, filled it with semi-transparent white acrylic beads (=snowballs) and sparkly snowflakes and added an angel, made with beads and jewelry findings. I used wire from the construction store for the frame and the thin blue-green jewelry wire for weaving. The ornament is 10 cm (~4 in) tall. Check this out if you need help with the cage :)
Отдааавна не бях правила нищо специално за Коледа, затова не пропуснах да се включа в 5-то Предизвикателство за коледни украшения. Направих клетка от тел, напълних я с полупрозрачни бели акрилни мъниста, наподобявщи снежни топки, добавих бляскави снежинки и ангелче, направено от мъниста и елементи за бижута. Зa рамката използвах тел от строителен магазин, а за увиването - тънка синьозелена бижутерска тел. Височина - 10 см. Вижте тук как да си направите такава клетка :)

And beads and wire, again :) I used 22 Ga dark green jewelry wire and the 1.5 mm Coiling Gizmo rod for the first spiral and the 3 mm rod for the second. The wreath is 6 cm (~2.4 in) in diameter.
И отново тел и мъниста :) Използвах тъмнозелена бижутерска тел 0.6 мм, като първата спирала навих на 1.5-мм манивела на уреда Гизмо, а втората - на 3-милиметровата. Венчето е с диаметър 6 см.

Here is the tutorial (via The Beading Gem):
Ето и урочето (благодарение на The Beading Gem):

This is the link to the post of our hostess Heather Powers and all the participants.
Тук можете да разгледате какво са сътворили нашата домакиня Heather Powers и другите участници.

Take a look at some old Christmas ornaments of mine - this and this :)
Вижте и някои от старите ми коледни украшения - тук и тук :)

16 коментара:

  1. I love the green wreath, its so cute - I bet it will make great earrings too

    1. It sure will but I am not a fan of holiday themed jewelry. I actually adapted a tutorial for making earrings but used larger gauge wire and bigger mandrels.

  2. Oh, that cage is gorgeous! I like that you filled it with snowballs :) brings back childhood memories.

  3. Two beautiful ornaments. The caged one filled with winter beads is so cute! I love the look of the wire and beads for the wreath. Thanks for joining the blog hop!

  4. That wreath reminds me of an ornament I made in grade school, only much more sophisticated and nice looking.

    1. Thank you, Kristina! Though, I am sure, the decorations we made at school are much more valuable :)

  5. Two really beautiful ornaments! Making and getting involved in this lengthy and long process can lead to great emotions, creativity, buzz! Love it! Are you available on instagram too? Like can I like your stuffs on Instagram?

  6. Love both of these, but that first one is so dreamy and unique! I think you really did a fabulous job with these!


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