16 юни 2018

The Kaleidoscope Effect / Ефектът на калейдоскопа

The We're All Ears June inspiration is kaleidoscopes. We had kaleidoscopes when we were kids and were fascinated by the effect... for a short time. Then we would just leave them somewhere and pick up from time to time because the fascination was still there :) As to the earrings, I was clueless. I still am and what I made may count as cheating :( I spotted some small colorful hematite beads and realized they had this effect. Also, I recently found these silver-color charms that looked oxidized, exotic and time-worn. I strung the hematite beads on four-fold 0.4 mm black wire in a circle, attached the charm and ear wire - et voilà, kaleidoscope earrings!
Предизвикателството на We're All Ears за юни са калейдоскопите. И ние имахме калейдоскопи като деца, но магическото им въздействие върху нас беше кратко. После ги зарязвахме някъде, но все пак от време на време си играехме с тях, защото магията си беше там :) Що се отнася до обиците, нямах никаква идея! Все още нямам и това, което направих, може да мине за измама :( Погледът ми попадна върху едни оцветени малки мъниста хематит и установих, че имат този ефект. Освен това, наскоро си бях купила едни висулки, които изглеждаха старинни и екзотични. Нанизах няколко мъниста в кръг на четири слоя черна тел 0.4 мм, отдолу закачих висулките, отгоре - кукички за обици. Ето ви обици с ефекта на калейдоскоп!

I am so curious to check out how everybody else coped with the kaleidoscope effect here!
Ужасно съм любопитна да видя как са се справили другите с ефекта на калейдоскопа тук!

8 коментара:

  1. I think these are perfect! The haematite colors definitely bring a kaleidoscope to mind, and the patterns so charmingly complement the colors.

  2. Отговори
    1. Thank you, Kathy! I wish I was more creative but I really like the design myself :)

  3. There's no such thing as cheating for these challenges... it's just how you interpret the theme! :) I love these earrings... they are visually interesting. I like the contrast between the color shifting, shiny hematite and the more rustic charms.

  4. No cheats here! You are free to interpret however you want. Bringing people to their own creative natures is my greatest talent and you did a beautiful job. These are gorgeous! I love the shape of those components and the etchings on them. They are like the paper covering the outside of the kaleidoscopes that I remember and the circular faceted brightly hued beads are like those bits on the inside. Wow! You really knocked my socks off, Miss Divya! I love it when divergent ideas come together, and I am a big fan of maximizing my time and creating, so I am delighted that there is a crossover to the ABS (the other space that I write for!). I absolutely LOVE that kaleidoscope effect you created with the painting. I hope you don't give up on that! I think it is also a great testament to the wonderful creative community that we have that you connected around the world with Miss Tammy. There is so much to love about this post! Thanks so much for playing along with me! Enjoy the day! Erin

    1. Thank you, Erin :) I found a way to interpret the theme and it felt good, yeah!


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