22 октомври 2019

Един творчески уикенд / A Creative Weekend

Невероятно, но факт - този уикенд беше доста продуктивен и реших да се похваля :)
Incredible but true - this weekend was quite productive for me, so I decided to share :)

Направих си паяк-висулка за стена.
I made a spider wall hanging.

Обици-листа - отнеха ми около 4 часа:
Leaf earrings - took about four hours to make:

Колие "Златна есен" - мисля, че му липсва нещо, някакъв отличителен детайл, определено ще го променя по-нататък:
Golden Autumn necklace - I think it's missing some small distinctive detail, I will upgrade it for sure:

Довърших това колие с аметист и тел (тук е преди патинирането). Равносметката е две вечери плюс два дни по няколко часа - хубавите неща стават бавно :)
Amethyst wire wrapped pendant (shown here before oxidation) finished. It took two evenings and the most part of two more days - beautiful things take time :)

И всичко това между домакинстване, разходка в парка, пазаруване, включително в строителен хипермаркет и магазин за художествени материали! Ето и какво ми предстои:
And all of these in between house chores, a walk in the park and shopping, including a craft store and a construction store! And there's more ahead:

А навън е циганско лято :)
Meantime, it's Indian summer here :)

5 коментара:

  1. The Amethyst wire wrapped pendant is gorgeous and I can't wait to see what you make with the stones. I really admire your commitment to create jewellery inbetween work and home chores. I seem to lack the motivation these days.

    1. Thank you, Divya! I'm trying to find my way to heady pendants and even though I'm not there yet, it looks like I've come up with something. Frankly, a regular job and chores can be quite demotivating sometimes :) I already started working on the stones - they will be simple but charming :)

  2. So many beauties! (Though, the spider is so realistic that I have a hard time looking at it!) So glad you've been productive lately.

    1. Thanks, Hope! I made a few spiders and some of them even sold at a recent craft show :) "Mommy, Mommy, look, a spider! "You're afraid of spiders!" "But it's so cute!" Ha-ha!

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