04 февруари 2020

Оцветяване на морско стъкло II / Coloring Sea/Beach Glass - Part II

Тук бях споделила опита си в оцветяването на морско стъкло с оцветители за смола и алкохолни мастила. Щом започнах да работя с готовите стъкла обаче, се оказа, че алкохолното мастило цапа при допир с топли ръце, т.е. това може да се случи и при допир с топла кожа. Първо стана с червено, после и със синьо стъкло. Затова реших да лакирам допълнително всички, оцветени с алкохолни мастила. Да споделя едно случайно (за мене) откритие: покритието от алкохолно мастило и лак може да се свали изцяло с лакочистител! А ето и резултата от цялата тази лабораторна дейност :)
I had shared my experiments with coloring sea/beach glass here. I used resin tints and alcohol inks. Turns out, alcohol inks are not color fast when in touch with warm hands (=skin). It happened to me with both red and blue, so I decided to varnish all pieces, colored with alcohol inks. And also made an incidental (to me) discovery - alcohol ink and varnish can be removed with nail polish remover! Here is the result of all that lab activity :)

"Червена страст"
Red Passion

"Сърцето на синия бухал" - това защото не можах да реша сърце ли е, бухал ли е...
Blue Owl Heart - that's because I just couldn't decide if it was a heart or owl...

Следващия път ще експериментирам с бижутерска смола - да си призная, блясъкът на лака изобщо не ми харесва, а и като че ли направи стъклата по-прозрачни :(
Next time I am going to experiment with resin - frankly, I don't like the shiny varnished look at all! Plus, it somehow made the glass look more transparent :(

4 коментара:

  1. Somehow the blue piece feels like a snake to me - how its hooded and also coiled its tail. Car wax could be a replacement for renaissance wax. I have not tried it but it was recommended to be a long time ago.Also, did you try liquid glass paints - used in stain glass painting? They are meant for glass and do not require a varnish. Check if you a local version.

    1. Ha, now that you mentioned it, snake it is :) Do you mean car wax instead of varnish? I'll have to check the paints for stained glass, thank for the tip!

  2. Yes, alcohol inks can be testy to work with! I find that some sealers will even remove the ink completely or at least smear it. I try to test out new products before I use them on items I really like. I hate that you're having so much trouble with them and hope you find something that works the way you want it to!

    1. That's right, Hope! I had never used alcohol inks before, except on Vintaj courses that I took. The ones I got are Ranger but apparently it depends on the product you're using them with. I put two layers of varnish and the brush stayed clean but when I patinaed one piece with boiled egg, the glass stained my fingers just a bit when I rubbed it with a cloth. Hopefully, it was a momentary thing. Thanks for stopping by :)


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