06 октомври 2021

Аз и горелката / Gas Burner and I

Започнах с 3-4 чифта клещи, а сега имам над 20 инструмента. Може би защото пазя дори тези, които вече са извън строя. Някои ползвам ежедневно, други - по-рядко. Но с газовата горелка сме първи приятели :) С нея основно обработвам тел, която почиствам от кабел, за да омекне и придобие някаква патина. И най-сетне, след безброй неуспешни опити, успях да си направя пирончета с кръгли главички и да ги почистя от нагара по два начина - със специален разтвор (подробности тук) и кетчуп. А ето и за какво ми трябваха :)
I started out with 3-4 pairs of pliers and now I have more than 20 tools. Maybe because I keep even those that are not good anymore. Some I use regularly, some - not so much. But the gas burner is my best friend now :) I mainly use it on cable stripped wire for softening and flame coloring but also finally managed to make ball head pins after literally years of trying. Then I cleaned them with DIY pickle (explained very well here). I also tried a simpler way with ketchup - it just takes longer. Here is why I needed them :) 

Комбинирах два модела на 4girlsjewelry, този канал е най-новото ми и интересно откритие.
I combined two designs of 4girlsjewelry, this channel is my most recent and exciting discovery.

Ето защо пазя старите инструменти - мога да ги горя без притеснение :)
Here's why I keep old tools - I don't have to worry about burning them :)

Така изглежда телта след обгаряне.
This is how the wire looks after balling the ends.

А така - след почистване.
Here it is after cleaning.

И тези обици нямаше да станат без помощта на газовата горелка :)
I couldn't have made these earrings without the gas burner either :)

2 коментара:

  1. Balling the wire on gas is a good idea as the flame is consistent. I somehow seem to fail to get rounded ball tips and end up flattening the wire. Thanks for the pickle link, I typically use a vinegar + salt pickle too but without water so there is no need to heat it.

    1. Yes, having to heat the pickle is a drawback, so I finally resorted to ketchup but you really have to leave it for 2-3 hours. I'll have to try vinegar and salt only. About the gas burner - I'm afraid there might have been a misunderstanding. I meant gas torch. Mine is with a very large nozzle and manual switching so it's hard to find the exact point for balling but I somehow finally managed to :)


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