20 март 2025

Колиета "Прегръдка" / Hugs Necklaces

Бижутата "Прегръдка" се наредиха сред най-любимите ми измишльотини. Не мога да спра да ги правя. А урочето за тях ще намерите тук. Днес показвам колиета.
The Hugs jewelry turned into one of my most favorite projects. I can't stop making them. You may find the tutorial here. Today's post is about necklaces.

Никога досега една идея не ме е държала в плен толкова дълго - почти два месеца! Не ми омръзва и това си е 😊 И се очертава като още един мой знаков модел!
Never before have I been prisoner of a design for such a long period - almost two months! And I don't seem to get enough of it😊 Looks like one more signature design was born!

2 коментара:

  1. The hug style is lovely and has of potential - so why not milk it more?

    1. Absolutely, Divya! I stopped for a while to make some of my other popular bracelet designs for an upcoming show but will definitely continue with the "hugs" :)


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