28 август 2016

Colors and Shapes / Цветове и форми

I was sure I could handle the August ABS Challenge but the days were going by without any sign I would. Paul Klee's picture Park Near Lu spoke to me in an unknown language but I finally got it - "concentrate on just some colors and add more shapes". I so wanted to use each and every color in the picture but failed completely so decided to add some variety of shapes instead. This is the bracelet I made.
Бях сигурна, че ще се справя с интерпретацията на картината на Паул Клее от августовското предизвикателство в блога Art Bead Scene, но дните минаваха и нямаше и намек, че ще успея. Картината ми говореше на някакъв непознат език, докато накрая разбрах, че май трябва да огранича избора на цветове за сметка на формите. Толкова ми се искаше да успея да съчетая всички тези ярки цветове, но не се получи и затова разнообразих използваните форми. Направих тази гривна.

A Walk In The Park - Humblebeads bird bead, two ceramic rondelles - yellow and mauve, a triangle polymer clay bead in blue hues, two round greenish-blue chrysocolla beads and pale green faceted jade rondelles.
"Разходка в парка" - авторско мънисто на Humblebeads, две керамични мъниста - жълто и лилаво, триъгълно мънисто от полимерна глина в сини нюанси, две мъниста синьозелена хризокола и фасетиран нефрит.

Aren't Humblebeads birds addictive? And so are the colors of this picture. I made this necklace to celebrate both :) I made the green round pendant at a Vintaj class.
Как да не се пристрастиш към птиците на Humblebeads! И към цветовете на картината също! В това колие съм събрала и от двете по малко :) Зелената кръгла висулка направих на курс по Vintaj.

16 коментара:

  1. Гривната е така нежна в това ментово зелено. А колието закачливо - с това красиво Винтаж висулче! Прекрасни са, Рози!

    1. Благодаря, Лили! Не харесвам абстрактното, но тези цветове бяха някак вдъхновяващи!

  2. Beautiful I love your designs and I really like the clasp you used in the bracelet.

    1. Thank you, Karen! It's a magnetic clasp, quite strong and with interesting ornaments!

  3. I adore your bracelet! Beautifully balance with the colors from the painting. Thank You so much for the visit to my Blog. I really appreciated your comment!

    1. I'm so glad you liked the bracelet, Terri! It's always a pleasure to see other designer's beautiful work!

  4. Very elegant and fun, great colors and yes birds are addictive! Beautiful work.

  5. I agree that Humblebeads birds are addictive! Both of your pieces nailed the colors! Well done!

  6. Both pieces are so great. However, it's the subtle colors of the bracelet that really grab my attention. Beautifully done!!

    1. Thank you, Hope! The bracelet is my favorite creation, too, but I just couldn't stop there :) It is odd how I have been inspired by the abstract that is not even my favorite form of art!

  7. I love both your pieces you have used all the colours so well but the cool colours of the bracelet are just so beautiful and you founhd beads to match the sweet bird too :)

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment! I'm thrilled with the bracelet, too!

  8. That bracelet is so cute and look at all these cute birds! Great work and so nice to find your blog! I'm following you and subscribing!
    Ntina @happy,girly,crafty

    1. Thank you so much, Ntina! I was also very excited to find your blog and already am a follower!


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