26 септември 2016

Street Art Earrings / Вдъхновение от улицата

I almost squealed at the September Honey Do List Challenge on Sj Designs Jewelry, because I had just the right beads for it - artisan polymer clay earring components by Margit Boehmer on Etsy! The colors were the same, just a bit faded and the patterns so reminiscent of street art. If I could find two identical bails that would fit both components, that would be it. But, as you will notice, the beads are different and so is the position of the holes. What I came up with may sound easy but I almost missed the deadline - I made a bail from seed beads on TigerTail and placed a crimp bead and a crimp bead cover at the back. I chose green and orange seed beads in a random arrangement. Again, I could've stopped there but I needed stronger colors to match the street art inspiration and added dark green and yellow Czech glass beads on a silver plated eye pin. I reversed their arrangement on the second earring for a total asymmetry look. The ear wires are 925 sterling silver.
Направо подскочих, като видях септемврийското издание на предизвикателството в блога Sj Designs Jewelry, защото имах точните мъниста - авторски висулки от полимерна глина на Margit Boehmer в сайта Etsy! Цветовете бяха същите, макар и не толкова ярки, а шарките сякаш бяха свалени от някоя стена с улично изкуство. Ако бях намерила два еднакви държача, щях да ги оставя така. Но, както ще забележите, мънистата са различни, както и местата на дупките. Решението може да ви изглежда лесно, но ми отне доста време да го измисля - нанизах дребни стъклени мъниста на нишка за низане TigerTail, от задната страна ги закрепих със стопер, който скрих с капаче за стопери. Избрах зелени и оранжеви мъниста, нанизани в случайна последователност. Можех да спра дотук, но ми трябваха по-силни цветове в тон с вдъхновението и добавих тъмнозелени и жълти чешки мъниста на посребрена игла с ушенце. Мънистата за втората обица нанизах наопаки в духа на вече оформилата се тотална асиметрия. Кукичките за обици са от сребро проба 925.

You can see my August entry here.
Тук можете да видите августовското ми участие.

8 коментара:

  1. This is such a clever bail idea. I actually thought that you had used seed beads on a thin jump ring

    1. One of the beads was too pointy and I didn't have a jump ring of that size. I could've made one, I guess, but the TigerTail idea with the seed beads was too tempting and it worked well :)

  2. Sorry I'm slow in responding... crazy week here. :) You really lucked out with those great polymer clay pieces! I love the asymmetrical design you came up with! Thanks for playing along with us this month. Check back on October 1st to see what Eric dreams up for us next!

    1. Thank you! I do hope to find the muse and time to participate in your next challenge. The worst part is when you have a design in your mind but something happens and the moment's gone!

  3. Love, love those earrings!! The colors are dreamy for sure. You did a great job with this challenge.

    1. Thanks, Hope! It's been a hectic time for me here and those beads were the main reason I played along in this challenge and I am glad I did!


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