26 октомври 2017

Harvest Moon Earrings / Обици "Пълнолуние"

The October inspiration on Earrings Everyday is the Harvest Moon. "The Harvest Moon is the full Moon nearest the start of fall or the autumnal equinox. For several evenings, the moon-rise comes soon after sunset. This results in an  abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening, which was a traditional aide to farmers and crews harvesting their summer-grown crops. Hence, it’s called the “Harvest” Moon!" (source) It is also the time of the year that Mother Nature has painted in the lushest of colors!
Есенното равноденствие вещае дълги нощи и кратки дни. Но природата все още пламти с красиви есенни багри, земята се отплаща с изобилие и земеделците прибират богатата реколта, а пълнолунието най-близо до деня на есенното равноденствие им осигурява повече светлина за усилния труд, т.к. луната изгрява непосредствено след залеза на слънцето. Точно това е вдъхновението за октомври в блога Earrings Everyday.

Do you like pictures of the moon (and sun) through tree branches? I do, that's why I looked specifically for such pictures. This took me on an unexpected path - I decided to use the Tree of Life design to depict the branch silhouettes on the lentil carnelian beads. Why unexpected? Because the Tree of Life is so popular that I didn't feel like doing it. It didn't work, anyway. I twisted the hoops into spirals and made a wire wrapped design. I oxidized and added short dangles at the bottom.
Харесвате ли снимки на луната (и слънцето) през клоните на дърветата? Аз - да, затова се поразрових за точно такава. Това пък ме поведе по неочакван път - реших да използвам модела на "дървото на живота", за да предам силуетите на клоните върху плоските кръгли мъниста карнеол. А "неочакван", защото дървото на живота с тел се среща толкова често, че бях решила да не го правя изобщо. То и не ми се получи. Направих спирали от подготвените кръгли елементи и ги оплетох с тел. Патинирах и добавих къси висулки от долната страна.

Enjoy everybody else's creations here.
Насладете се на творенията на останалите участници тук.

But the failed Tree of Life design is still bugging me...
Но неудачният опит да направя "дървото на живота" не ми излиза от главата...

Picture source / Източник на снимката: Noah Silliman, unsplash.com

12 коментара:

  1. The earrings are so beautiful and lush and perfect for the inspiration. The carnelians look like orange jujubees that they make me want to eat them.

    1. Thank you, Divya! I like them, too, luckily, I was not discouraged by the failure of my primary idea :)

  2. Oh, when I saw these, I saw moon walkers, men in space suits! Lovely.

    1. Thank you, Susan! Wouldn't it be nice if the moon was warm and welcoming as it sometimes looks? But people happen to like it dark and mysterious and want to explore it. Let's hope we find more of its secrets :)

  3. Gorgeous colors, just like the moon in the photo. And, beautiful wirework!

  4. Stunning pair of earrings! Lovely inspiration of the harvest moon. You caught so beautifully the essence of Autumn with these colors.
    My favorite season, so far! :) Autumn is marvelous source of inspiration, and October's light is simply magic!

    1. Thank you! I didn't like autumn when I was a kid for obvious reasons - it marked the end of summer and going back to school ;) Growing up, I started to appreciate the beauty of the season.

  5. Oh, I hate that these didn't work out the way you intended but I think these are pretty darn sweet. The carnelian worked perfectly as the moon and the dangles are so great. Fab job!!

    1. I was very disappointed, too, Hope! Bur I like the autumnal spirit of this design and hope to try to make the Tree of Life again some day :)

  6. You really nailed the color. And that wire work - fabulous! Such great detail! Thanks for playing along with me in the We're All Ears challenge. Stop by on 11/3 to see the next challenge! Enjoy the day! Erin


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