13 септември 2023

Още идеи за ситни мъниста / Brainstorming Tiny Beads

Ще кажете какво толкова съм се заяла с тези ситни мъниста? Знаех какво купувам, но не очаквах колко трудно ще ми е да работя с тях заради размера и малките дупки. Затова трябва да ги използвам максимално бързо и дано не купя пак ;) А с тази идея ще оползотворя не само тях, но и малки парченца морско стъкло, както и остатъци от тънка тел 0.3 и 0.4 мм. И така, първо закрепвам стъклото в рамка, после правя усукани клонки с малките мъниста и тел и ги закрепвам отгоре. Туй то!
I'm so excited to share another idea about tiny beads. What's my problem with these beads, you may ask? Well, I knew what I was buying but didn't expect they will be so hard to work with because of the size and tiny holes. So I have to use them up as fast as possible and hopefully never buy again ;) This idea will help me do it as well as use up small pieces of sea glass and 26 - 28 Ga wire offcuts. First, I wire wrap the glass in a frame, then make twisted branches with the thin wire and tiny beads and attach them to the surface of the earrings. That's it.

Ето още две идеи за ситни кристалчета - 1 и 2.
Here are two more ideas for tiny beads - 1 & 2.

2 коментара:

  1. These earrings reminds me of mushroom clusters that cover the ground in the wild. Tree branches, plant bulbs and roots may be great inspiration to use when working with wire and tiny beads as well.

    1. I keep forgetting about nature inspirations :) Twisted thin wire is such a good way to decorate jewelry and use up offcuts!


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