28 февруари 2017

All We Need is Love / Всичко е любов

On a cold winter day, I was shopping in a small food store. There was an old woman in front of me at the counter, looking very neglected - uncombed, with ragged clothes twice her size, wearing slippers with several pairs of socks and with a cane. She bought a 1.5 l bottle of beer (!), a 0.2 l (!) mint alcohol drink and chips "for the kid" (a grandchild, I guess), took very long to pay and fit everything into a bag that had seen better times, probably in the past century, and just when she was about to leave, she turned back and said: "Oh, I forgot the most important thing - a posy of parsley!" I am so sorry I can't tell this story to my late mother. She enjoyed laughing at herself and finding humor in any situation. Her best friend had Alzheimer's in her last years and didn't remember my mother's name but she knew she loved her deeply. Last time they met, she told her: "I will remember you a-a-all my life" and they were in their 80s! My mother used to joke about it with loving humor. They both had gone through hardships, illnesses and loss of loved ones but with love and laughter along the way. Enters Jenny Davies-Reazor, her fascinating story of the Kintsugi technique and her tale and giveaway of some scarred but beautifully healing heart pendants, one of which I was lucky and honored to win.
Един зимен ден пазарувах в малко квартално магазинче. Пред мен стоеше възрастна жена, от тези, на които им личи, че за тях никой не се грижи (невчесана, с дупки по твърде големите и захабени дрехи, нахлузила чехли с няколко чифта чорапи, с бастунче - да ти се скъса сърцето). Купи си двулитрова бутилка бира, малка бутилка алкохолна мента и солетки "за детето" (най-вероятно, правнук), дълго и бавно плащаше и прибираше нещата в една вехта чанта и а-ха да си тръгне, върна се и каза: "А-а-а, най-важното щях да забравя - връзка магданоз!" Съжалявам, че вече не мога да разкажа тази история на майка си. Тя обичаше да се шегува със себе си и да намира смешното във всяка житейска ситуация. Най-добрата й приятелка страдаше от Алцхаймер през последните години от живота си и не си спомняше името на майка ми, но явно някъде дълбоко в съзнанието си знаеше коя е, защото при последното им виждане й каза, че много я обича и "ще я помни ця-я-ял живот" - а им оставаше толкова малко! Майка ми се шегуваше с тази реплика и винаги го правеше с много обич! Двете бяха преминали през трудности, болести и загуба на любими хора, но пътят им е бил изпълнен с обич и смях. И стигаме до Jenny Davies-Reazor, занимателния й разказ за техниката кинцуги и историята на няколко сърца с красиви белези, едно от които имах късмета и честта да спечеля.

My necklace is about the eternal spiral of life, its ups and downs and how beauty flourishes from love. I didn't go overboard with colors as it was important to show that the heart remains true to itself. I used tiny lapis lazuli drops and Czech glass beads and totally improvised with the wire weaving.
Моето колие разказва за вечната спирала на живота, победите и пораженията и как от любовта се ражда красотата. Изкушавах се да включа повече цветове, но беше важно да покажа, че сърцето остава вярно на себе си. Използвах мъниста лапис лазули във формата на капка и чешко стъкло и тотално импровизирах с оплитането с тел.

Check out the other February Component of the Month creations (some links may not be active until the end of the day):
Ето и интерпретациите на останалите участници (възможно е някои връзки да бъдат активни едва в края на деня):

Rosantia Petkova  -> you are here / това съм аз
Art Elements team: 

32 коментара:

  1. Your story is so fitting to your creation, I love them both :)

    1. Thank you, Laney! There are so many ways you can show or speak about love, aren't there?

  2. I really enjoyed the story! The necklace you created is stunning and the wire wrapping gorgeous. Thank you for reading Art Elements and participating in the design challenge!

    1. Thank you so much! I love ArtElements, I learn a lot from it and see so many design ideas!

  3. What a beautiful necklace & story to go along with it! Your wire wrapping is just fabulous.

  4. As a dementia carer I can really relate to your story the "she knew she loved her deeply" bit makes my heart melt! A really lovely necklace and such beautiful wire work!

  5. What a wonderful story - touching, and tender... I love the serials of life as an accompaniment to the heart. We dont always see the twists and turns, but we keep moving forwards! I love the copper wire with the cobalt - visually a great combo! Love what you have done - and I am so glad Fate chose your name from the proverbial hat!

  6. Your story is so touching and your design, perfectly represents the ups and downs, twists and turns of the heart and how beautiful life in general can be when you listen to your heart. Beautiful!!

    1. Doing justice to this pendant and the philosophy behind it was very important for me, I'm glad you saw the message. Thank you!

  7. Beautiful! Love your story and your necklace! Thanks for playing along!

  8. You have touched many of us with your sweet story and necklace. They complement each other so well

  9. Beautiful and poignant, thank you for participating and also sharing your memories with us this month!

  10. I think that humanity's ability to laugh at ourselves (during an illness or hardships) is what has kept us sane through ages. Very interesting use of copper with gold in the necklace

    1. Thank you, Divya! I haven't found good quality non-tarnish gold color wire or findings locally yet, so it was either copper wire or leather :)

  11. How beautiful it all comes together. I especially love the tiny drops of colour generated by the beads you added in between :)

    1. Thank you! These drops were an impromptu decision as almost everything else, even though I had an idea and a plan :)


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