If you like, you can scroll down to the end of this post and play the "Happy: We are
from Sofia" video, based on Pharrell Williams's "Happy". 'Cause I am
from Sofia, Bulgaria, I am happy to have taken the 8th Annual Bead Soup Blog Party® challenge and made it to the reveal, today, May 10, 2014. I blogged about my partner Silvia Sernicola and the soups we exchanged here and here. I think I didn't mention in my previous posts that we were supposed to
take our
partner out of his comfort zone. It turned
out that both Silvia and I felt uncomfortable about the color blue.
Silvia is a designer & beadweaver but has tried her hand at
a number of other techniques.
I'd never beaded before. I hope to have challenged her a bit :). I felt
challenged (challenge = inspiration) and tried to make the best of it. Ta-dam!
Днес, 10.05.2014, е денят, в който всички участници в 8-мата размяна на мъниста трябва да публикуват творенията си. Разказах накратко за партньора си Силвия Серникола и "супите", които си разменихме, тук и тук. Можете да си пуснете клипчето "Happy: We are from Sofia" по Happy на Pharrell Williams, защото съм хем от София, хем съм щастлива, че съм на финала :). Май не съм споменавала, че идеята е да предизвикаш партньора си с
материали или техники, които не е опитвал или не са му по сърце. Оказа
се, че и двете със Силвия не предпочитаме синия цвят. Тя е дизайнер и се занимава основно с плетене с мъниста, но е опитвала и доста други техники. Аз никога не бях опитвала плетене с мъниста. Надявам се да съм я предизвикала поне малко :). Аз определено се почувствах предизвикана (предизвикателство = вдъхновение) и дадох много от себе си, за да се справя. И така:
1. Out of the Blue bracelet and earrings set / Комплект гривна и обици "Неочаквано синьо"
The bracelet was the first thing I made - it shows one of the beautiful beaded beads made by Silvia, some wired blue striped 10-mm agate beads, a Peruvian ceramic bird from TumiFairtradebeads (Etsy) and a ceramic donut from NoName (Sofia, Bulgaria), one lava bead, wire and leather. The wire was soft and these tips came very handy. I also made a pair of earrings with two wired agate beads and the other two mismatched (Like!) beads of Silvia's. "Out of the blue" - because I made it unexpectedly, one day I decided not to worry about having no inspiration at all and take a break, then suddenly went to my working table and started making the wired beads and that was it! And because I feel challenged by the color blue.
Първо направих тази гривна с едно от невероятните мъниста на Силвия, 10-мм син ивичест ахат, увит с тел, керамично птиче, ръчно изработено в Перу, от TumiFairtradebeads (Etsy) и кръгло керамично мънисто от NoName (София), вулканичен камък; тел и кожа. Телта беше много мека и тези съвети ми бяха много полезни. Направих и обици с две оплетени мъниста син ивичест ахат и другите две мъниста на Силвия в същата гама с разменени шарки като позитив / негатив. Защо "Неочаквано синьо" ли? Много просто - един ден реших да не се притеснявам от липсата на вдъхновение и да си почина, но внезапно седнах и направих този комплект! А и синият цвят за мен е предизвикателство.
2. Kissed by the Sun necklace / Колие "Слънчева целувка"
2. Kissed by the Sun necklace / Колие "Слънчева целувка"
For the necklace, I used the metal focal piece and "sunny" beads from Silvia's soup - red acai, orange glass lentils and yellow sanded beads. I finished the necklace with two curtain ropes in red and yellow and a chain of bead links, all interchangeable, hence the two different clasps in front. I added a burgundy red lampwork bead link to one of them to balance this area. For the bead links I used ceramic, acai, lampwork, agate, yellow sanded and small cloisonne beads. I made the links symmetrical in terms of length but used different colors and shapes of beads as well as different bead caps. This and the colors were meant to enhance the ethnic look I wanted to achieve.
За това колие използвах металната висулка от "супата" на Силвия и "слънчевите" мъниста - палмовите, стъклените и жълтите. Завърших с два шнура за пердета в жълто и червено и "синджир", сглобен от различни мъниста, всичките взаимозаменяеми, затова и сложих две закопчалки отпред. Към едната закопчалка добавих червено стъклено мънисто лампуърк за да балансирам дължината. За синджира използвах керамични, палмови и стъклени (лампуърк) мъниста плюс жълтите от Силвия и дребни емайлирани такива. Отделните брънки на синджира са с еднаква дължина, но с различни по цвят и форма мъниста, а също и различни капачета. Това, както и цветовете, подсилва етно излъчването, към което се стремях.
3. Bead weaving? Oh, no! / Оплитане с мъниста? "Не, не мога да правя такива неща!"
I'm not even sure it's fair to show this because it is not well done. Here is what I mean. Silvia sent me two focals. I suspect she wanted to challenge me a bit more with this one - a large round blue agate bead that called for bead weaving. I googled a couple of tutorials, made a couple of pitiful trials but, finally, found this and thought: "What the hack, let's try it!". I hope no experienced beader dies of laughter if I admit that I used white Nymo size D and a long needle with a single eye :). And the seed beads were more on the cheap side. So, four days and three thousand mistakes later I realized I grossly underestimated the situation. But I stubbornly persisted and finished it. If it wasn't for the postponement, I would've dumped this one. No close-ups, no pictures of the reverse side, it's all uneven, there are a couple of visible holes, I pulled it on the back side by crossing several beaded threads that somehow ended up loose (???) - but I couldn't resist the desire to see it in a finished design like this necklace with 12 mm faceted blue agate and aquamarine beads plus easy crystal beaded beads. I also made a pair of long chain earrings with blue crystals. One day I will have to remake this pendant.
Голямото кръгло мънисто от син ахат направо си търсеше оплетка. Подозирам, че Силвия ми го беше изпратила, за да ме предизвика да опитам нещо ново, което е и една от целите на събитието. Никога не бях правила такова нещо. Намерих няколко урочета в мрежата, последвани от аналогичен брой неуспешни опити, но накрая попаднах на това и реших, че ще ми свърши работа. Надявам се никой с опит в плетенето с мъниста да не умре от смях като си призная, че използвах нишка Nymo размер D и дълга игла за низане с голямо ухо. Е, и мънистата бяха от по-евтинките. Четири дни по-късно и след около три хиляди грешки разбрах, че фатално съм подценила ситуацията. Но се заинатих и го завърших. Ако не беше отложена датата на публикуване, щях да се откажа. Няма да показвам снимки в едър план или на обратната страна - тук-там има някоя и друга дупчица, оплетката е неравна, опитах се да я стегна от обратната страна с няколко пресечени нишки с мъниста, но накрая и те увиснаха и така и не разбрах защо. Някой ден трябва да го преправя. Обаче не устоях на изкушението да го видя в готово колие. Комбинирах го с фасетирани мъниста ахат и аквамарин плюс такива, оплетени от по-дребни кристали, но по лесния начин. Направих и дълги висящи обици с ахат и мъниста от сини кристалчета.
4. A three-strand bead & button necklace and button earrings / Триредно колие с мъниста и копчета и обици с копчета
For this necklace, I only used the clasp from the bead soup, everything else came from my stash. I made three strands using TigerTail: (1) shades of yellow agate beads and carnelian chips with pewter rondelle spacers (2) watermelon quartz and red aventurine beads with pewter spacers and (3) seashell buttons with a beautiful cherry blossom print, linked with jump rings. Then I made some beaded links with the watermelon quartz beads and dispersed them among short lengths of chain to finish all three strands and attached them to the clasp. I made a pair of mismatched earrings with three buttons each, hanging from a burgundy red lampwork bead on one of them and a reddish agate bead. They could be worn with the ethnic necklace, too.
В това колие само закопчалката е от "супата" на Силвия, а тя е от елементите, които трябва да се използват задължително. Останалите материали са от моите запаси. Направих три наниза, като използвах нишка за низане TigerTail: един с мъниста ахат в жълти нюанси и чипс от карнеол с метални разделители цвят сребро, втори с мъниста от динен кварц и червен авантюрин с друг вид метални разделители и трети със седефени копчета, свързани помежду си с халки. После нанизах няколко мъниста динен кварц на игли с две ушета и ги разпръснах между синджири с различни дължини, които пък закачих към закопчалката. Направих и чифт обици с копчетата и, забележете, различни мъниста в основата - лампуърк и ахат.
5. Blue&Orange bracelet / Синьо-оранжевата гривна
5. Blue&Orange bracelet / Синьо-оранжевата гривна
I couldn't come up with a name for this bracelet. I have to admit that I fell in love with ceramic beads quite recently and have absolutely no stash of the required materials and findings but I wanted to make something with the ceramic beads from Silvia. That's why I used just one of them and two acai beads in this design.
Ми, не можах да й измисля име. Увлечението по керамичните мъниста ми е отскоро, та нямам кой-знае какви материали, а много исках да направя нещо с керамичните мъниста от Силвия. И т.к. не можах да измисля нищо по-така, скръндзаво използвах само едно от тях в тази гривна и две от палмовите мъниста.
Whew! I used Silvia's beads too sparingly so I have more inspiration ahead :). I am so anxious to check the other participants! The reveal list is here. Thank you, Lori, for challenging, guiding and reassuring us. And here is what my super partner Silvia did with the soup I sent her.
Уфф! Останаха ми неизползвани мъниста и ме очакват още моменти на вдъхновение :). Умирам от желание да видя какво са направили и останалите участници. Тук можете да видите техен списък. А тук - какво е сътворила Силвия с мънистата, които й изпратих.
You are really good in beadweaving! Really, I don't believe it's your first time! I like how you joined Silvia's beaded beads and other beads in blue bracelet.Super wire work! Congratulations!
ОтговорИзтриванеOh, thank you! I have so much to learn but as Silvia said, this is an opportunity to try something new :)
ИзтриванеYour work is incredible - I love what you did with the bead weaving. It's the perfect ending for this soup.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! I am really proud of myself that I didn't quit, you know :)
ИзтриванеBravo, you met the challenge and delivered several exceptionally beautiful pieces. I think for your first attempt at creating a beadwork bezel around a cabochon, you did a marvelous job. I can't begin to count how many times I've had to take apart a beaded bezel - they are NOT easy to do.
ОтговорИзтриванеThe last bracelet reminds me of Earth and Sky - especially with that focal bead, it looks like mountains against a blue sky. Personally I'd call that bracelet "Heaven and Earth". :)
Thank you, Anna! I will borrow the name for the bracelets - suits it perfectly! And I just had e revelation about a pair of matching earrings - comments are inspiring :)
Изтриване"a" revelation, of course - Blogger should allow editing one's comments :(
ИзтриванеI am so absolutely proud of you, you might say that bezel is not perfect, but it was your first time, you accepted the challenge and you nailed it! It is beautiful!
ОтговорИзтриванеThe silver focal...oh my...so gorgeous...how you used beads, ropes, colors-my favorite colors...and interchangeable too! That is brilliant. The clasp is also perfect with that necklace - and I am in love with those tiny buttons!
But for some reason the two bracelets are my favorites. I love how you played with colors and materials, love the knotted look. Brava!!!! I am so, so happy!!!
Thank you, Silvia! And you know what - the two bracelets are my favorites, too. They are the first of this kind for me and I am so hooked! There was nothing else I could do with this focal - and you know it, right ;)
ИзтриванеI do a lot of bezelling and I agree, it's great and way better than my first attempts. I love the bracelets too.
ИзтриванеOh, you're very kind, thank you! Heading over to your blog :)
ИзтриванеI love everything you made, great job!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you!
ИзтриванеLovely work, truly! And oh, yes, I do like the idea of changing the cord in 'Kissed by the sun' necklace! I'm very partial to blue and turquoise set :-D
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! I was very happy when this idea struck me, too - just because I couldn't choose between the two cord colors, ha-ha :)
ИзтриванеBeautiful pieces. I really love the Kissed by the Sun necklace. So elegant!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Shalini!
ИзтриванеAll the designs are great but my favorite is the one called Kissed by the sun. Like the style and the colors. No wonder you are happy in Sofia with such a great soup! Cool song too.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you so much! I visited your blog and and I guess why you liked the kissed by the sun necklace - your last two pieces also speak about the earth and the sun :)
ИзтриванеБраво, Рози! Прекрасни неща си сътворила, прекрасно хоби....:))
ОтговорИзтриванеБлагодаря, Светле!
ИзтриванеYou gotten over you 'blues' in a fantastic way. I love the first bracelet its got so much structure and body to it
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Divya! I "met" you through The Beading Gem and like visiting your blog!
ИзтриванеYour pieces are all beautiful! You definitely took up the challenge with the cabochon and did a great job! I especially love your multi strand necklace and the last ceramic bracelet.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Karin! I have seen some of your work via the ABS challenge and really like your designs!
ИзтриванеI love both your bracelets. They are such wonderful mixes of colours and texture.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Cate!
ИзтриванеLove the bracelets you made. 'Im always looking for ways to use leather in my pieces. Also love the Happy Song!
ОтговорИзтриванеI appreciate your comment about the bracelets - I love how they turned out, too!
ИзтриванеKissed by the sun is lovely! The colour palette you have used is so soothing and so well combined. And the other pieces are very nice too.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you so much!
Изтриванеyou did awesome on all your projects, I am so not a beader so I am even impressed by your blue beaded bezel project!!! Mine would probably have looked even worse, hahahaaaa
ОтговорИзтриванеI ESPECIALLY like your sun kissed necklace though, most so with the cord, that is a really sweet piece and I would wear it in a blink!!!
Thank you for taking the time to visit! I enjoyed your reveal, too!
ИзтриванеI really enjoyed reading your blog describing your challenges while creating some lovely jewelry. I especially liked the first leather bracelet and pair of earring and how you incorporated your partner's beaded beads into your design. And how brave of you to have attempted to make a beaded bezel. It looks great in your design.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you so much! All the comments prolong the excitement I felt about the reveal :)
ИзтриванеRosantia kudos to you for stepping out of your comfort zone and working with blue and doing stitching. Kissed by the Sun is beautiful and it's great that it's interchangeable. That makes it wearable with more clothes. I like the two clasps idea.We won't laugh at you for your stitching, we were all beginners once too. It's a fine first stitched piece. I like the way you attached the buttons in your button earrings. Good job using your soup.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Becky! You sound so reassuring :)
ИзтриванеThose necklaces hang beautifully. Great work!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you!
Изтриванеwow Rosantia....and you said you never bead before?wow, you do an amazing job. I love your designs...
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! Looks like you enjoyed your soup, too :)
ИзтриванеI found myself saying "ooh pretty, very pretty" a few times while looking at your jewelry. I especially like that first bracelet & the kissed by the sun necklace. I would be proud to wear either of them. Love that video too! I'm all for dancing, lip syncing and being goofy in public.
ОтговорИзтриванеAppreciate it, Kelly! You've done some wonders, too :)
Изтриванелелеее големи красоти! Бравоооо! ; )))
ОтговорИзтриванеБлагодаря, беше много приятно изживяване!
ИзтриванеVery lovely work! so glad you decided to join to BSBP and it seems you found your design comfort with blue just fine.
ОтговорИзтриванеOh, I am glad, too and I so enjoyed it! Just hopped over to your reveal post - your pieces are so unique and beautiful!
ИзтриванеThank You for visiting my blog! You did a great work, I love Your creations and I can learn a lot of Things from You!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! Such a nice thing to say - I am still learning from all of you out there :)
ИзтриванеGreat designs! I'm glad you persisted with the beadweaving, once you get it, it's a lot of fun.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Sheila! I intend to pursue bead weaving, it was exhausting for me but it made me happy when it started coming together :)
ИзтриванеYou were one busy gal...all your designs are lovely. I like how you made the one necklace with interchangeable cords and chain...very clever!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! I am thinking to explore this design further but right now blog hopping is on my mind :)
ИзтриванеWell you have mastered blue and I love that song. Neat idea with the interchangeable cords and chain. Thanks for visiting me as well.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Andrea!
ИзтриванеAll of the pieces are lovely (I really like the way you made that necklace with interchangeable straps), but I'm particularly impressed with your first attempt at beadweaving. It may not be perfect, but you were so brave to take on a real challenge and run with it. Good job! I hope this has made you interested in trying more beadweaving!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you so much! You're right - after this trial I think I should start learning bead weaving!
ИзтриванеНевероятно красивые работы!
ОтговорИзтриванеСпасибо, Людмила!
ИзтриванеLove the interchangeable cording. Very clever idea. Your bead work is beautiful. I still can't see the "mistakes" even after you pointed them out. Don't be so rough on yourself. You did a brilliant job.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! Your "soup" creations are fantastic!
ИзтриванеLove the different options to combine the kiss of the sun necklace. And all the other pieces are so great too. Wonderful soup!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you!
ИзтриванеYou sure did wonders with your "out of your comfort zone soup". Beautiful pieces!
ОтговорИзтриванеHahaha, Rosantia - what a great post :0)) Read every single line of your amusing blog post! You're a funny person! Great how you came out of your comfort zone. And even if not everything turns out perfectly for you - hej, that's why soup challenge is for! I like your both bracelets - with all the blues and browns and oranges in it. Totally charming!
ОтговорИзтриванеGreetings from Austria!
Love a person with a sense of humor ;) You're right - taking the challenge makes you learn more!
ОтговорИзтриванеIt's all so beautiful!
I love all you made with your soup ... my fav is Kissed by the Sun necklace!
Thanks for visiting and your kind comment, Ilenia!
ИзтриванеI hope you are no longer scared of the color blue, you did it well. Your story of the seed bead adventure was very funny, too. And you managed to make 2 necklaces and apair of earrings that weren't blue too.
ОтговорИзтриванеYes, I learned a lot from this challenge! Thank you for visiting my blog!
ИзтриванеI hope you are no longer scared of the color blue, you did it well. Your story of the seed bead adventure was very funny, too. And you managed to make 2 necklaces and apair of earrings that weren't blue too.
ОтговорИзтриванеI love everything, especially the way you've tackled the blue colour, all the pieces with blue are my favourite. I'm in love with the Out of the Blue Bracelet - you've perfectly combined the different kind of beads and techniques. I admire your sincerity saying that the beadwoven pendant has holes in the back. I do some beadweaving myself but haven't tried making bezels, they're not easy at all.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm now following yours.
Happy creations!
Thank you! I have to learn a lot about jewelry making and I think that admitting my mistakes is part of it :)
ИзтриванеOh my goodness! That interchangeable necklace! Such a cool idea and such exquisite craftmanship! Wow!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! I see you have been inspired by your soup as well!
ИзтриванеI see you and your partner had so much fun with your soup. Happy song should be the themes song for the BSBP event :-D
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! I guess we all felt like that :)
ИзтриванеYou made so many beautiful things. My favorite is the necklace with the interchangeable parts. That curtain rope is so cool! Well done!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Barbara!
ИзтриванеSo many beautiful pieces!!! Well done!
Thanks for visiting!
ИзтриванеI love that interchangeable necklace, that's genius! Gorgeous work!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you!
ИзтриванеYou've done a great job with your "uncomfortable" colour, well down!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for visiting!
ИзтриванеI love your beaded beads! So cute and sweet! Beautiful pieces and very inspiring!
ОтговорИзтриванеLinda A.
Thank you! Your post made me laugh out loud :)
ИзтриванеLove everything you made! The interchangeable necklace is brilliant! Wonderful idea!!
ОтговорИзтриванеWonderful soup!
Thank you! Your creations are very richly beautiful, too!
ИзтриванеVery beautiful design! they are all so wonderful. The Blue and Orange bracelet is simply gorgeous and elegant.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for taking the time to visit and comment!
ИзтриванеI love everything, but that dramatic "Kissed By the Sun" necklace is divine! Such wonderful work! Thank you for doing this!
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat colour combinations in each piece. Lovely work.
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for taking the time to visit and comment!
ИзтриванеSo many beautiful things! I especially love the necklace with the curtain rope - it has a real warmth,"
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Sarah!
ИзтриванеSuch lovely work well done!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! Loved your work, too!
ИзтриванеLovely work you did! The first set it's my favorite, along with the last bracelet (it made me think of a Sunset :P) !! It's very beautiful the way you made the necklace interchangeable, now you can wear it in so many ways, even with all 3 together! I think it looks good your pendant, I use quite often cheaper beads and with a few tries you can achieve beautiful things as well! i wish you patience and perseverance, you started quite good !!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for visiting, Andra!
ИзтриванеAnd, I forgot to thank you for mentioning that all cords can be worn together. It didn't occur to me until much later after the post :)
ИзтриванеFirst, I loved reading your post about how your pieces came together. The writing is fantastic! I loved the names of your pieces, and the interchangeable necklace is a fantastic idea. I am not a seed beader, but would love to learn to do what you so bravely did--set the focal in a frame of seed beads. I think it is a wonderful testament to you as a designer and to the Bead Soup philosophy. Great job!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! Loved your work, especially the first two necklaces and the mismatched earrings!
ИзтриванеWow. Congrats on tackling bead weaving. I think your pendant looks great. All of your designs are fabulous. The Out of the Blue bracelet is my favorite.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Tammy! I love that bracelet, too!
ИзтриванеVery nice jewelry you created! Love the pop of orange in the blue bracelet!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks, Roxanne!
ИзтриванеVery pretty designs - your beadwork is amazing!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Christine!
ИзтриванеI admire all your designs, Rosantia, but the one with your first (really?) beadweaving... wow!
ОтговорИзтриванеBeautiful pieces, love them all but the blue and orange bracelet are so me, love it!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for taking the time to visit and comment!
ИзтриванеThank you so much for visiting me. Wow what a stunning array of jewellery you have made from your soup, I love both the bracelets as I do like blue which I wear a lot, but I think for me the interchangeable necklace Kissed by the Sun is so inovative and unusual I love it!
Thank you, Jackie!
ИзтриванеYou did a really nice job on your first try at beadweaving, the seed bead bezel looks very nice from the front. I very much like the ceramic bead bracelet and the necklace with interchangeable cords is genius!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! Your designs turned out great with two different ways to accentuate the focal :)
ИзтриванеWonderful collection and I enjoyed the Sofia version of "Happy" too!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Pearl!
ИзтриванеAll of your designs are beautiful, but I really love that last bracelet --I think probably because I love the earthiness of it. Also, the way you attached the buttons in the button-earrings makes for such a wonderful design! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my bead soup!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Cassi!
ОтговорИзтриванеSo many lovely pieces. You did your soup justice!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for taking the time to visit and comment!
ИзтриванеLike Janine said... that was my first reaction too (-: So many pieces. Kissed by the sun is my favourite♥ And the bracelet with the copper coloures and orange & blue is ♥♥♥!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Dini!
ИзтриванеGreat pieces, especially the Blue bead weaving necklace. Great job.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Maria!
ИзтриванеI'm hard pressed to select a favorite..gorgeous work! Really Soup-er!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks, Terri! So "soup-er" is your word!!!
ИзтриванеAll of your pieces are very pretty. That one necklace that changes is super cool! What a neat idea.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you!
ИзтриванеSo many wonderful pieces! I absolutely LOVE your Kissed by the Sun necklace. I was quite surprised by your comments about your beaded bezel. I can't bead to save my life and thought it was great. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for the kind and funny comment, Janice!
ИзтриванеSo many wonderful pieces! I absolutely LOVE your Kissed by the Sun necklace. I was quite surprised by your comments about your beaded bezel. I can't bead to save my life and thought it was great. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеSo many wonderful pieces! I absolutely LOVE your Kissed by the Sun necklace. I was quite surprised by your comments about your beaded bezel. I can't bead to save my life and thought it was great. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеSo many wonderful pieces! I absolutely LOVE your Kissed by the Sun necklace. I was quite surprised by your comments about your beaded bezel. I can't bead to save my life and thought it was great. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеТози коментар бе премахнат от администратор на блога.
ОтговорИзтриванеWow! You made such beautiful pieces! Your out of the blue bracelet is gorgeous, I love how you mixed the wire and the leather in that one. I love the versatility of the kissed by the sun necklace, with the interchangeable pendant. I love the button earrings! ..and the necklace that they match. Your beadweaving looks great to me, I've never tried that either, hope that if/when I do it turns out as good as yours! Lovely last bracelet too!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for the comment!
ИзтриванеI absolutely adore each of your pieces. Touched by the Sun and Out of the Blue are probably my favorites. Your work is gorgeous....this was my first time also and it really helped me to step out of my comfort zone also...See you next time.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you! I like that "see you" and I hope there is a next time, I truly enjoyed it :)
ИзтриванеGorgeous designs. You made such a lot with your soup. Great stuff :-)
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for stopping by :)
ИзтриванеOut of the Blue bracelet and earrings are out of the world! I love the mix usage of different materials and beads! Beautiful work!
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat great designs! I am in love with the interchangable necklace! Those are the colors I wear a lot and to have an entire wardrobe in one necklace would be wonderful!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Kumi and Shaiha!
ОтговорИзтриванеYour work is amazingly beautiful. I especially like the buttons but all your designs are great.
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for visiting, Karen!
ИзтриванеWow - you have made such a lot, and they are very pretty pieces too. I like you use of colour and texture, it draws you in to each piece for a closer look. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
ОтговорИзтриванеStunning creations!! I must say that I am particularly fond of your treatment of the blue agate beads in the first bracelet! Brilliant!!! You did a wonderful job with each piece and really showed off all of your wonderful beading skills!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you, Elizabeth! I am even more pleased with your compliment because I like the first set most of all!
ИзтриванеI am quite impressed with all the beautiful pieces you created from your soup! I really love the necklace with the interchangeable ropes. And I adore that last bracelet, such great colors and design!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks, Shirley!