15 януари 2017

The Muffin Tin Challenge / Предизвикателството на шестте купчинки

Have you got a lot of ideas whirling in your mind and unfinished projects on your working table? Then try The Muffin Tin Challenge on Humblebeads blog - gather those projects in one place and go finish them! 
Имате много неосъществени идеи и недовършени проекти? Тогава това предизвикателство е точно за вас - не бях сигурна как да го нарека - "Предизвикателството на тавичката за мъфини" някак не ме грабна и се спрях на "Предизвикателството на шестте купчинки" - не по-малко непоетично, но поне няма странични асоциации :) Съберете тези проекти на едно място и им дайте да се разберат!

1.Vintage Pin / Старинна брошка

I decided to spruce up this unfinished resin pin from a recent jewelry course with pieces of thrifted jewelry.
Реших да понапудря една недовършена брошка от този курс с помощта на стари бижута.

2. Double wrap bracelet with Vintaj button / Двойноувиваща се гривна с копче, изработено с материали Vintaj

We practiced knotting at the same course above and some fancy stringing designs as well as Vintaj. No matter how coloring intimidates me, this button is a winner, I think 😊
На същия курс експериментирахме с възли и по-разчупени начини на низане, както и с техниката Винтаж. И макар оцветяването винаги да ме е притеснявало, копчето се получи невероятно, поне така мисля 😊

3. Bracelet with bead clusters / Гривна с мъниста тип "грозд"

I have mentioned this friend of mine before - she buys loads of beads and trusts me with their storage for an unlimited period of time... until I make something for her. The smaller acrylic beads are wire wrapped and then arranged into clusters, the natural stone is cherry quartz.

И друг път съм споменавала за моя приятелка, която си купува мъниста и ми ги дава на безсрочно съхранение... докато не й направя нещо. Дребните акрилни мъниста са нанизани на пирончета и после едно върху друго във формата на гроздове. Камъкът е черешов кварц.

4. A necklace with wire wrapped focal / Висулка от тел с мъниста

I've been eyeing this design for some time - beads, wrapped around curved wire. The large crystals came from Robin Showstack for the 2016 Swap'n'Hop and I paired them with smaller crystals and glass pearls. In the post from the above link you can see a bail that Robin designed the same way - very cool!
От доста време бях хвърлила око на този модел - мъниста, увити около извита на зиг-заг тел. Големите кристали са ми от Robin Showstack от една миналогодишна размяна на мъниста, комбинирах ги с по-малки кристали и стъклени перли. В публикацията от връзката по-горе има държач, направен по този начин и много ефектен.

5. MOP and foil flakes earrings / Обици от седефени елементи и флейки от фолио

This was a great opportunity to finish more items from the course I mentioned above. I only added the crystal cube dangles from my stash.
Това беше една чудесна възможност да довърша някои неща от гореспоменатия курс. Към първоначалния дизайн добавих висулки-кристалчета.

6. # 6 ≠ No. 6

It was only when I came to # 6 that I realized it was ideal for a different challenge! Ugh!
Едва накрая се усетих, че купичка No. 6 е идеална за друго предизвикателство! Уфф! 

So I just grabbed another idea - the shells also came from Robin's soup for me.
Така че веднага преминах към друга идея - раковините също бяха от Робин.

Maybe I should get a muffin tin after all 😜
Дали пък да не си купя тавичка за мъфини 😜 

You can check out all the entries here.
Тук можете да разгледате останалите участия.

24 коментара:

  1. Just when I think that you cannot possibly get any more creative - you surprise me and do exactly that, become more creative. :) Love the bead embellished curvy, wire-wrapped necklace, and the knotted leather bracelet they are both beautiful.

  2. Beautiful work! Here's my blog :)
    Muffin tin challenge 2017

  3. Lovely work. I'm most impressed with the knotted leather bracelet. It looks so intricate.

    1. Thank you, Linda! Knotting is not my thing but I'm glad we practiced it at this jewelry course, I'd never be able to convince myself to make it on my own :)

  4. Definitely time to get a Muffin Tin. Beautiful work.

    1. Thank you, Shaiha! And you're right - I'm not an expert in muffin baking but it's convenient to keep many projects in one place :)

  5. Номер 2, 4 и 5 - са WOW!!! Браво, Рози <3

    1. Благодаря ти! Хубаво е да се съживи човек след малко застой :)

  6. Beautiful pieces! The wire wrapped necklace and wrap bracelet are my favorites!

  7. wow, you have made quite a no. of interesting pieces. The button looks really exotic and so do the MOP-foil discs. I can see that the course has added so many skills to your repertoire

    1. Yes, it did! And I am planning to take another one soon - working with an instructor gives you a lot more confidence!

  8. So pretty! Love the double wrap bracelet, that button is awesome!

  9. Love your improvisation of a muffin tin. Way to go with the flow. I'm intrigued by the MOP and foil flake earrings. I keep trying to figure out how they are adhered.

  10. So many beautiful pieces! I especially love that double wrap bracelet! I want to make one too!

    1. Thank you, Ntina! Go ahead with the bracelet - it's the Josephine knot but you could choose any other. If you don't have access to Vintaj components, come to Bulgaria - there is a jewelry company that offers their premises and Vintaj materials and tools at a very affordable price. If you need more close-ups of the bracelet, I'd be happy to e-mail some to you :)

  11. I think all your pieces are fabulous, especially that curvy wire wrapped necklace! I love the muffin tin challenge, it really makes you sit down and create. I didn't make it in time to do the challenge, but I'm so glad I got to see what you created!! And, I saw you mentioned some thrifted jewelry! Sounds like you're finding some over your way. That's good news :)

    1. Thanks, Hope! I took it to heart this time :) Yes, some of the 2nd hand clothing stores here have bins with mostly broken fashion and vintage jewelry, finally!

  12. Lots of fun designs! I think my favorite is that double wrap bracelet with the Vintaj button. I'd love to learn that knotting! Great job with your beady "muffins"!

    1. Thanks, Sarajo! I think it was the Josephine knot. I enjoyed the challenge - great motivation!


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