27 април 2017

Caressed by the Sun / Слънчева милувка

Art Bead Scene Blog: April Monthly Challenge
Блогът на Art Bead Scene: предизвикателство за м. април 2017

The picture is Paul Gauguin's Matamoe or Landscape with Peacocks. When I was young, all I saw in Gauguin's art was simple and happy life with lots of color when in reality it must have been the desire for simple and happy life he never found. I was always impressed with the colors in his paintings, this one being no exception and that's exactly what inspired me.
Картината е "Пейзаж с пауни" на Пол Гоген. Като малка виждах в картините на Гоген необременено и щастливо пъстроцветно битие. По-късно осъзнах, че това по-скоро е било неосъщественото му желание за такъв живот. Но завинаги запомних цветовете. Точно те бяха моето вдъхновение.

Caressed by the Sun bracelet - a green word bead "wonder seeker" by Grubbi, a dark blue bead by Shaterra, came free with а purchase (she doesn't make ceramic beads any more), an African recycled glass bead from RedEarthBeads, leather cord and more ceramic beads in bright colors.
Гривна "Слънчева милувка" - зелено мънисто с надпис "wonder seeker" (търсач на чудеса) на Grubbi, тъмносиньо на Shaterra (която вече не прави керамични мъниста), африканско мънисто от рециклирано стъкло от RedEarthBeads, кожена корда и още керамични мъниста в ярки цветове.

15 коментара:

  1. The bracelet looks yummy with all those fabulous art beads

    1. Thank you, Divya! It was a last minute creation and I may re-think this design some day but I am glad it mirrors the sunniness of the painting, at least!

  2. Beautiful bracelet! Especially love the flower beads. It's perfect for the challenge.

  3. Great way to bring out the yellows and greens in the painting. Your beads look like they came right off the artwork

  4. I love what you did for the challenge..I had some yellow green Gaea beads I wanted to use but as you saw I went in a different direction..i just didn't have what I wanted to create something like you did..... yours is So Artsy Cool!

  5. Thank you, Alison! I just couldn't decide which colors to work with and pulled in as many as I could!

  6. Fantastic color combination and the shapes are all pulling this piece together to reflect the painting - Great job!

  7. This painting is beautiful and the bracelet unique!

  8. Не само слънчево, а пролетно и изключително впечатляващо. От този тип бижута, които пробуждат детето в теб, но и напомнят за пролет, свежест и зараждането на новия живот. Вдъхновяваща гривна!


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