18 април 2017

Направи си сам поставка за клещи / DIY Pliers Rack

Are you looking for the Bead Peeps Swap'n'Hop 2017 reveal?

Когато не можеш да си намериш клещите на разхвърляната работна маса, а те са точно пред погледа ти, започваш да търсиш решения. От всичко видяно в интернет си харесах това. И домашният сръчко (съпругът ми, демек) се справи блестящо: наложи се да се купят само пръчките (дибли с диаметър 12 мм) и подходяща по размер бургия за дърво, имахме дъска и инструменти. Той изряза две парчета ок. 16х16 см, с помощта на едни клещи маркира местата на трите дупки и след това стегна двете парчета дърво със стяга, за да продупчи дупките едновременно. От най-горната пръчка остави по 5 см от двете страни за дръжки. Имам към 28 см за поставяне на клещите. Малко шлайфане със шкурка и пръскане с лак, залепване с C200 и... готово!
When you can't find the pliers on your working table and they are lying just in front of you, you start looking for solutions. Of all the types I saw online, I liked this one. And my handy husband made it! We had to buy only the dowels (1/2'' diam.) and a drill this size, we had a piece of wooden board on hand and the necessary tools. He cut two pieces about 7''x7'', used a pair of pliers to mark the three holes and then placed both pieces in a clamp in order to make the holes simultaneously. He left about 2'' on both sides of the upper dowel to use as handles. I have about 11'' to arrange the pliers. After some sanding, varnishing and gluing (with a local glue brand) it was ready!

Моля да ме извините за качеството на снимките, правени са с телефона ми, но нямах намерение чак да ги публикувам в блога си. Помислих си обаче, че могат да бъда полезни на някого. За разкрасяване на публикацията ще добавя и драсканица No. 4 на таблета:
I apologize for the pictures quality, I made them with my phone and had no intention to post here. On the other hand, someone could find them useful. To add some beauty to this post, here is scribbles #4 with my tablet sketching software:

6 коментара:

  1. I too spend most of my time looking for my pliers and in half those instances I would be sitting right next to them or even on them..LOL I love the vise your husband is using to clamp the wood. It loos so compact and cool

    1. I truly believe the rack will do a good job, now I have to think of a better organization for the working table as a whole ;)

  2. What a nifty way to organize your tools. If I hadn't found a random kitchen organizer that works perfectly for me, I would be begging my hubs to make me one of these too! Enjoy the new organization!!

  3. Our beading work spaces do tend to get cluttered, especially when we have several projects going at the same time. I know all too well how it is to know something has to be right in front of me and yet not be able to find it.

    The tool organzier that your clever husband built certainly helps to keep those wonderful tools in one place and within reach. I have seen similar plier organizers online, I must admit that they tend to be a little expensive ( perhaps that's why I have not bought one). My hubby made me something similar but I must confess that mine is not nearly as nice as the one your sweetheart made for you. :)

    1. I admit my working place is a mess, Anna Maria! I have no idea how to keep it more orderly but this is one step in the right direction, I hope :)


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