16 март 2018

Monochromatic / Монохромно

The March challenge on Earrings Everyday is Monochromatic. Or black-and-white with a pop of color. Sometimes, beads are self-sufficient. These black-and-silver beads by Petrovna Lampwork were just that. I added some free-form Thai sterling silver spacers and emerald green Swarovski crystals. The ear wires are 925 sterling silver. That's all this pair needed. Classic elegance.
Предизвикателството за месец март на Earrings Everyday е Монохромно. Или черно-бяло с ярък цветен акцент. Понякога мънистата са самодостатъчни. Тези в черно и сребристо на Petrovna Lampwork бяха точно такива. Добавих безформени разделители от сребро проба 925 от Тайланд и смарагдово-зелени кристали Сваровски. Кукичките също са сребро проба 925. На този чифт не му трябва повече. Класически елегантен.

You can check out the other interpretations here.
Тук можете да разгледате и други интепретации.

This is a short post so I will take the opportunity to share how busy I've been and will be in March. I did a craft show and have committed to two blog hops. I will have to miss a challenge or two 😞to prepare for them. Plus there is my personal #4weeksofmaking challenge. Meantime, spring is here!
Ще се възползвам от кратката публикация да споделя колко съм заета този месец. Участвах в базар, поела съм ангажимент за две виртуални блог-срещи (blog hops - още не съм попаднала на точен термин на български) с крайни срокове. Ще се наложи да пропусна едно-две предизвикателства 😞, за да се подготвя. Но не и собственото си - #4седмицинещоправене. А навън е пролет!

18 коментара:

  1. Those lampwork beads are outstanding and your simple addition really compliments them beautifully. Oh, and your springtime sketch is so pretty too!!

    1. I was lucky to have those beads, I had nothing in black and white but natural stone beads :) I'm glad you like my sketch - looks like sketching flowers is my thing :)

  2. Simple is best! I like the finish on those beads. They have a lovely lacy quality. Thanks for playing along with me! Enjoy the day! Erin

    1. Thank you, Erin! Indeed, the beads were gorgeous, otherwise I wouldn't have played simple :)

  3. Beautiful design and beautiful lampwork beads. The emerald crystals are a perfect contrast.

    1. Thank you, Deborah! These beads made the design process easy and I'm glad you like the emerald crystals, I had no doubts about using them!

  4. The lampwork beads are beautiful. You created a lovely pair of earrings.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! The lampwork beads are definitely the stars of this design (and they look like a starry night sky)!

  5. Love the beads! Do they have silver foil in them?

    1. Ha, tough question, Divya, I have no idea how these are made!!! But they are fabulous!

  6. Sometimes great beads don't need much to make great earrings. Love the simple elegance.

  7. Отговори
    1. Thank you, Chris Kaitlyn! I was so enthusiastic about them that didn't even look for other options :)

  8. Your earrings are a wonderful example of simple elegance! Sometimes we just need to step back and let the beads speak for themselves, don't we?


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