09 декември 2019

Базарите и творчеството / Craft Shows and Creativity

Замисляли ли сте се как участието в базари се отразява на творческия процес? От една страна, подготовката изисква планиране и целенасоченост - това е по-скучната част. От друга, ме мотивира да подготвям изненади - това е приятната част. Тази година направих коледни брошки от тел и морско стъкло, също и мъжки колиета, които предизвикаха голям интерес.
Have you ever thought about how art and craft shows reflect on creativity? On the one hand, the preparation requires planning and dedication - this is the boring part. On the other, I'm motivated to surprise my customers and this is the fun part. This year I made Christmas tree pins from wire and sea/beach glass as well as male necklaces that put smiles on lots of faces.

Имам и още изненади за последните два базара за годината.
I've got even more surprises for the last two shows of the year.

Колие "Царицата на Египет"
Queen of Egypt Necklace

Компонентите, които използвах за колието, се оказаха много удачни и за обици.
The components the necklace is made of look good in earrings as well.

Два модела гривни в стил "бохо"
Two boho style bracelets

Първият е повлиян от този модел с автор Барб Суайцър. Отделните елементи, свързани с нещо като панти, ме поизпотиха, но всеки от тях е подвижен и гривната е гъвкава :) На ръката стои по-красиво, отколкото можете да си представите.
The first one was influenced by this Barb Switzer design. The hinged links were quite a challenge. Still, each one moves freely so the bracelet is quite flexible :) When worn, it looks much more beautiful than you can imagine.

Още един модел, в който съчетавам тел и кожа, нали помните тези кожени разделители?
One more design that combines wire and leather. You may remember my leather knot spacers.

А вижте какво си намерих на един от предишните базари: шеговит постер "Взех си душ" за вратата на банята и стикер "Не прави от мухата слон" от БУКВАлно!
Look what I found on one of the previous shows: a funny poster "I took a shower" for the bathroom door and sticker "Don't make an elephant out of a fly" (meaning "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill")! Here is the artist's page - БУКВАлно (meaning "LITTERAlly", as in the Latin littera - letter).

С една дума, ще продължа да участвам в базари докато ми е забавно :) И се надявам да намеря време и за други творчески планове след последния за тази година.
As long as I'm having fun, I'll keep participating in craft shows :) I hope to find more time for other creative ventures after the last one for this year.

6 коментара:

  1. the green earrings are simply wow!! Use of metallic cords in the Queen of Egypt necklace is inspired. It goes really well with the royal theme. wishing you great luck and many many sales at your shows.

    1. Thank you, Divya! I do rely on last minute shoppers for the upcoming shows ;) The green earrings design is something I'd like to explore more. Wire woven earrings are hard to make, at the same time they should be cheaper than pendants, so coming up with a not very complex design is important.

  2. Great to hear you have a good time at your craft shows!! And hopefully landed sales too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Pearl! I've got both highs and lows at the shows but they are fun :) Besides, it's the only way for people to see my wire woven pieces in person, as they are not common in stores.

  3. So many beauties! The idea of the bracelet with the hinges is very cool! I bet it IS even better when worn.
    And, those posters are definitely a great chuckle. I love the literal humor. Well done!

    1. Thanks, Hope! The bracelet is indeed my favorite creation of the year :) Yes, it looks fab when worn. Glad you liked the posters - literal humor is not everybody's thing :)


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