29 март 2020

Планети и папийонки / Planets and Bow Ties

Дано не сте разочаровани, но става дума за мъниста-планети и оплитане тип "папийонка" - както обещах тук, споделям новата идея :)
I hope you're not disappointed but it's about planet beads and bow tie wire wrapping - as promised here, I'm sharing the new idea :)

Обици с мъниста-планети
Planet Beads Earrings

Използвах мъниста с различна големина и форма - багрен кварц в цвят тюркоаз и продълговат корал в овална рамка. Отвора между двете мъниста закрих с три елемента, оплетени като папийонка.
I used turquoise dyed quartz and coral barrel bead in an oval frame and covered the open space between them with three bow tie wrap elements.

В процеса на работа върху модела имаше и неудачи - изкривих една от рамките и спасих само мънистата-планети. Краищата им вече бяха увити и ето какво измислих - парче тел, правите примка по средата и по едно ушенце в двата края, като оформяте триъгълник. Ушенцата закачате за увитите краища на мънистата и получавате още един интересен модел обици! Тук добавих и обемна плетка.
I had a few hick-ups while working on this design - one of the frames got distorted and I only managed to save the planet beads. Their ends were already wrapped around so this is what I came up with - take a piece of wire, make a loop in the middle and at both ends and attach them to the beads - you've got another interesting earring design! I also added some dimensional weaving.

Не една рамка беше похабена в процеса на работа, но нито една не остана неизползвана :)
Many frames were distorted in the process but neither was discarded :)

2 коментара:

  1. The last necklace is very pretty; I love how the wire components are used through the necklace as well. the first earrings are artfully and intricately made. I feel that even the planet bead with wrap by itself could become simple earrings for everyday wear. It may consume less time to may and hence easier on the pocket for customers as well.

    1. Thanks, Divya! I am considering simpler earring designs with planet beads already for craft shows. The second pair has this potential even without the planet bead. Unfortunately, I'm not that motivated to make them now as we don't know when life will resume its old routine :)


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