27 юни 2020

Мац-пис-пис / Kitty-Kitty-Kitty

В група Wire Wrap Tips & Tutorials във Фейсбук попаднах на снимково уроче от Pál Erika за котка от тел, достъпно само за членове на групата, и веднага го пробвах. Увлякох се, направих различни варианти и ги поукрасих.
I came across a pictorial by Pál Erika on the Wire Wrap Tips & Tutorials group on Facebook, available to members only. I tried it right away, made different variants and embellished them.

Котешки истории с тел и кристали
Blingy Cat Stories

Имам планове за висулки-животинки с морско стъкло и естествени камъни, оплетени с тел. Засега не ми се получават, но се надявам скоро да имам какво да покажа :)
I'm planning to make animal pendants from wire woven sea glass and natural stones. I have not been successful so far but hope to be able to show you something soon :)

2 коментара:

  1. These pendants are super cute. Just this afternoon I was thinking how handmade cat charms will look as earrings and pendants.

    1. They are, aren't they? Also, I'm thinking of variations and earrings, too :) Pictures 3 & 4 show the design I came up with based on the tutorial and they will look good as earrings. For some reason, I've been thinking cats since the beginning of the year :)


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