20 юли 2020

Втори живот за катарамите / Upcycling Buckles

При поредното разчистване попаднах на две катарамки, които кой знае колко отдавна съм прибрала от някоя предвидена за изхвърляне стара чанта. Тогава просто съм ги добавила към запасите си, но сега ги погледнах с други очи и видях тези две гривни. Централните елементи са копчета :)
I found these two strap buckles during a sporadic "inventory" of my hoard. I don't even remember how they got there, I probably decided to salvage them from a handbag destined to go. Apparently, I put them aside for no specific reason but when I looked at them now, I saw these two bracelets. The focals are actually buttons :)

Едната завърших с т.н. "египетски спирали" (Egyptian coils), на които се каня отдавна. Използвах тел ⌀ 1.5 мм - голяма грешка, защото с нея се работи по-трудно, но важното е, че опитах и ми харесва как изглеждат.
I finished one of the bracelets with Egyptian coils that were on my to-do list forever. The wire is 15 Ga - big mistake because it was hard on my hands but the key thing is I tried and liked the look.

Втората гривна завърших с "подкови" от тел, като избрах да подчертая лилавото в централното копче.
I made horse shoe wire elements to finish the second bracelet. I chose to outline the purple in the focal.

Стари катарами съби-и-ирам:)
Old buckles to spare, anyone?

6 коментара:

  1. Lovely!! I have not really worked with wire below 16g for wire forms so I can only imagine how tough it would be. All the spirals look neat and well made. Whatever unease your experienced doesn't show on the piece at all. I was secretly hoping that the red one would be a choker as I could imagine it on a fair girl sporting a Victorian or goth look.

    1. Thanks, Divya! A choker is a great idea when I find (or make) a gorgeous focal but with thinner wire - this gauge was killing even after annealing it with gas torch:)

  2. LOVE the buckle idea! Okay to link back to this on my blog? (beadinggem)

  3. Love your buckle bracelets! Came over from Pearl's blog.

    Did you anneal your wire before trying to spiral it? I find that really helps with the thicker guage.

    1. Thanks, aims! I didn't anneal the wire because I wanted to use boiled egg patina, which has a softer color. But I should've :) Next time I'll know better!


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