27 юни 2022

Бижута с имена - да или не? / Jewelry Names - Yes or No?

Давате ли имена на бижутата си? Аз се опитвам, но понякога се затруднявам. Името е чудесен повод за разговори на базарите, особено ако е забавно. Ето наскоро правих гривни от тел и имената им изникваха в съзнанието ми още в процеса на работа!
Do you give names to your jewelry pieces? I try to but it doesn't always work.  It can be a conversation starter at art shows, even more so if it's amusing. Recently, I made some wire bracelets and the names kept popping up in my head!

Гривна "Натюрморт с круша" / Still Life with a Pear Bracelet

Гривна "Бухльо" / Owl Bracelet

Гривна "Учителко любима" / Favorite Teacher Bracelet

Моливчето и крушата са на PetrovnaLampwork.
The pencil and pear are by PetrovnaLampwork.

И тук се изчерпах - започнах този централен елемент за гривна, но после реших, че ще стои по-добре като медальон. Прилича на ябълка, но нищо по-интересно не ми идва на ум. Някакви предложения?
And that was it. I started making another bracelet focal but then decided it was going to be a pendant. It looks like an apple but I just can't think of an interesting name for it? Any ideas?

2 коментара:

  1. I tried giving names long ago but then gave up. Sometimes a description such as those you have given seems more apt. You could give Bulgarian names but transliterate them in English or use word associations just like how you associated pencil to a teacher. The apple pendant with a green beads necklace could be sinful green.

    1. Ha, too bad the apple pendant sold already :) I'll have to remember the name, it sounds good in Bulgarian, too!


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