04 декември 2018

Обици от телени спирали / Coiled Wire Earrings

Има едни мъниста с голям отвор, които всички си купуваме, но рядко използваме. Не защото не са красиви, а защото е трудно да им се намери приложение. Аз успях да наместя немалко от тях в гривни като тези, а наскоро ме споходи още една интересна идейка - обици.
There are these large hole beads we all buy but rarely use. Not because they are not beautiful but because they are difficult. I made bracelets like these with some of them and recently tested a new idea - earrings.

Ето и как се правят:
Here is the how-to:

  • Навивате двойни спирали от тел, аз ги правя с уреда Coiling Gizmo, но става и на ръка.
  • Make double coils, I use the Coiling Gizmo but you can make them by hand, too.
  • Промушвате тел за низане през отвора на спиралата, събирате двата края и нанизвате стопер. Сплесквате стопера и отрязвате краищата. Закачете спиралата на игла с ушенце.
  • Push a piece of beading wire through the coil's opening. Pinch both ends together and put on a crimp bead. Flatten it and cut off the ends. Attach the spiral to an eye pin.
  • Нанизвате мънисто с голям отвор и още едно по Ваш избор.
  • String a large hole and one more bead of your choice.
  • Оформяте ушенце и го закачате за кукичка за обици.
  • Make a loop and attach it to an ear wire.

Честито! Имате елегантни обици за празничния тоалет!
Congratulations! You've got a pair of elegant earrings for your holiday outfit!

Или можете да нанижете мънисто с голям отвор върху спиралата и отгоре - капаче за мъниста.
Or, you can string a large hole bead on the spiral and a bead cap on top.

И идеята в развитие - комбинация на два цвята метал.
The same idea, having evolved into a statement pair with two metal colors.

Забележка: за някои от показаните тук обици използвах две парчета тел 0.4 мм, от която оформих и ушенцето, но мисля, че с тел за низане стават по-здрави. Освен това, не показвам базови техники, които можете да научите от YouTube.
Note: I have used 24 Ga wire for the some of the earrings shown here but I really think that beading wire will make them sturdier. Besides, I'm not showing basic techniques that you can learn on YouTube.

5 коментара:

  1. Great use of coils to create pieces that look Royal. The first one in particular is magnificent. But I am curious to why you recommend beading wire over metal wire (maybe 22g or 20g) for the stringing as you could eliminate the use of crimps.

    1. Thank you, Divya! This is one of rare instances that I've made a series of (almost) the same design because I like it a lot :) You got a point - I should've explained that I only had thinner wire on hand and I was afraid it might break at some point, especially if the earrings are not treated carefully and/or are kept in humid environment. 20Ga would be perfect for the purpose.

  2. Your coils are indeed the perfect medium for those large-hole beads. I have a few floating around my craft room too, but am just not inspired by them. I'm so glad to see that you are. Such great ideas.

    1. Thank you, Hope! To tell the truth, it's more about getting rid of certain supplies that I wouldn't have bought in the present day ;) And do so in an elegant way! BTW, here is a video by Beadaholique on using what they call "bead aligners" by TierraCast with large-hole beads :)

    2. Oops, forgot the link https://youtu.be/q_4PPD6tTkI


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