10 декември 2018

#4седмицинещоправене #колиета / #4weeksofmaking #necklaces

И последната част от собственото ми предизвикателство - колиета.
And the last part of my personal challenge - necklaces.

Известно време се борих да направя брошка с едни остатъчни парчета тел, докато не осъзнах, че тя иска да е висулка 😄 Завърших с корда от естествен велур.
I was struggling to make a brooch with some salvaged wire until I realized it wanted to be a pendant 😄 Finished with a suede cord.

Бях обещала уроче за кутийки от тел (последната снимка тук) и започнах това колие имено с такава цел. Вече не помня какво точно се случи, но не успях да снимам отделните стъпки. Явно ще трябва да направя още едно :) Окомплектовах с обици, които са впечатляващи и като самостоятелно бижу, и като комплект с колието.
I had promised to post a tutorial for wire wrapped cages (the last picture here) and that's why I started making this necklace. I don't remember what happened but I couldn't take pictures of the separate steps. Apparently, I have to make one more :) I also made a pair of earrings that are not matchy-matchy and make a statement even without the necklace.

Колие по врата с мемори тел и мъниста от старо герданче, което ми бяха дали за префасониране. Завършващия детайл - небрежно оплетена алуминиева тел - първо бях показала тук. Както знаете, алуминиевата тел е мека, но увита така, стои обемно и не губи формата си.
Choker necklace with memory wire and beads from an old necklace I got for refashion. I featured the messy wire wrapping with aluminum wire for the first time here. You know aluminum wire is dead soft but wrapped this way, it keeps it's shape and looks dimensional.

Това ми даде идея за четвъртото колие - моделът е същият, но съм използвала отдавна направени от мен мъниста - от алуминиева тел и такива, плетени на една кука от тел и кристали.
This little refashion project gave me the idea for the forth necklace - it's the same design but I finally used some handmade beads from aluminum wire and such crocheted with crystals and wire.

Още не знам дали ще продължа с предизвикателството и догодина. Накрая малко ми омръзна, а все пак целта е и да се забавлявам. Е, ще разберем в началото на 2019-та :)
I am still hesitant as to doing this challenge again next year. Apparently, I got bored at the end and it was supposed to be fun. Well, we'll find out at the beginning of 2019 :)

4 коментара:

  1. It is great that you made a plan and stuck to it. The way you have used aluminum wire to create form and texture is super interesting. I have never seen an aluminum wire necklace look so good. The design offers a lot of possibility. You could use fabric/thread beads with wire. Add chains, dangles and charms to it or even add a drop pendant. It is a great base design. Well done Rozantia!

    1. Thank you, Divya! I'm so glad you've seen the possibilities of this design! It looks good when worn, keeps its shape and stays put. The best part is you don't need crimp beads ;) And thanks for all the suggestions, I was planning to look through some old stuff and I'm sure I've got some fabric and felted beads somewhere!!!

  2. So many beauties here! I'm smitten (as always) with the cages. There's just something so special about them. And, accenting the memory wire with the wrapped aluminum wire is awesome! It really adds something to it and makes the whole thing stand out. Congrats on finishing up the year. I hate to hear that it became a chore.

    1. Thanks, Hope! Indeed, it felt like a chore at the end but I realize it motivated me to make and post random designs, too :) I am planning to post a tutorial on the little cages, they are pretty easy to make.


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