20 декември 2018

Use Your Leftovers Challenge / Да оползотворим остатъците!

It's time for leftover earrings again! First, the craftermath but keep in mind I took pictures after I had already started cleaning the table and putting away things in boxes.
Отново е време за обици с остатъчни мъниста! Първо, снимка на творческия безпорядък, но имайте предвид, че бях започнала да разчиствам и да разпределям нещата по кутии.

I've been hoarding these pearl sticks for over a year. I matched them with leftover lampwork beads from a bead exchange event.
Имам тези перли с издължена форма от около година. Комбинирах ги с авторски мъниста лампуърк, които ми останаха от една размяна.

I tried to use these lampwork leaf dangles by PetrovnaLampwork several times but always failed. I found all the matching elements (Czech glass flowers and beads, ceramic bead caps and rainbow dyed hematite) on the table and quite like the design. The colors are similar to the first pair, I must've been working on a project in these colors that never came together :)
Няколко пъти се опитвах да използвам тези авторски лампуърк листенца на PetrovnaLampwork, но все не успявах. Този пък старателно огледах какво имам на масата и като че ли успях да намеря точното съчетание с цветчета от чешко стъкло, керамични капачета за мъниста и обагрен в цветовете на дъгата хематит. Цветовете са сходни с първия чифт, сигурно някога съм се опитала да сътворя нещо с тях, но така и не съм успяла.

The last pair is a hundred percent leftover - I made the dangles from leftover pieces of wire and the swirls were leftovers from this necklace.
Последният чифт е направен изцяло от остатъци - висулките са от остатъчни парчета тел, а заврънкулките ми бяха останали от това колие.

Check out more leftover earrings here! (I'll put the link when available).
Тук можете да видите още обици от остатъци! (Ще добавя връзка, когато има такава).

12 коментара:

  1. First off, I love getting a little peek at your workspace, even in a semi-craftermath state! Your leftovers earrings are great! That first pair really speak to me. The blue is just dreamy!!

    1. Thank you, Hope! The first pair was a makeover of an assembly I didn't like and never used, actually :) I try hard to keep my work space clean but always fail :)

  2. Very interesting, I love seeing all the varieties of design that people come up with, it's so inspiring.

  3. I would've struggled to match these components but you've managed to pull it off brilliantly!

    1. Thank you, Anita! The funny part is they've been lying around for quite a while and never came together as if they were waiting for this challenge :)

  4. When I was in school I made up a Tagline for a school project regarding leftover. " Yesterday's + Toaday's = Tomorrow's." I think your pieces are the perfect example of this phrase. You have taken hoarded beads and bits and blobs that you are working on to make highly futuristic looking pieces.

    1. Thank you, Divya! This is so true, especially when you try hard to make something and fail a number of times and suddenly, one day, it just clicks!

  5. It's so much fun seeing what everyone comes up with for this challenge... and what sort of messes we start with! I think that first pair is my favorite... those colors always call to me.

    1. Thank you, Sarajo! I matched the elements in the first pair as soon as I got them but never managed to make anything. They must have been waiting for this challenge! I'm eager to start hopping around!

  6. My workspace is always a craftermath....and it truly hasn't changed much since the last time we did this! It does make me feel better to see everyone's space though. I love that this challenge inspires so much creativity, which is why it is a favorite of mine. I love all the earrings, but my favorite are the ones with the leaves. So pretty! Thank you for playing along in the leftover challenge at We're All Ears. Here's to a creative 2019! Erin

    1. Thank you, Erin! Your challenges are always a pleasure to play with. I'm still trying to figure out how to work in a non-messy environment - no luck so far :)


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