08 март 2021

Колие "Богиня-майка" / Fertility Goddess Pendant

Името си дойде съвсем естествено със силуета. Ефектът беше случаен - отдавна имам този аметистов кристал, но не си представях как ще го оплета - неправилната му форма доста ме затрудняваше. Единствено усещах, че трябва да изглежда сякаш така е бил намерен в природата, а това изключваше моите завъртулки. Опитах с щифтове от тел, като предварително си набелязах местата, където да ги направя - виждате, че единият е много дълъг, защото нямаше къде да се закрепи отстрани. А когато стигнах до държача, изведнъж се сетих за този лунен камък, за който използвах техниката "обков" от тел. До последния момент мислех, че това ще е прототип, но крайният резултат буквално ме зашемети и го запазих така. Ще ми повярвате ли ако ви кажа, че трудно ще се разделя с него :)
The name came with the silhouette. The effect was accidental - I've been trying to come up with a design for this free-form amethyst crystal for a while, because my usual curlicues wouldn't look good on it. It had to be organic. So I tried wire prongs. Do you see the big one on the right? There simply wasn't another suitable spot for it. And when I got to the bail, I suddenly remembered this moonstone cab, for which I used a special technique - setting with wire. I thought I was making a prototype but was smitten with the final result and left it as is. This one will be difficult to part with :)

И това е още един завършен проект от януари 2021, в който освен че упражних две важни техники, използвах и по-скъпи камъни - нещо, което съм решила да правя все по-често :)
One more work in progress from January 2021 - completed :) In addition to practicing two important techniques, I also used expensive stones - something I have decided to do more often in order to elevate my jewelry.

4 коментара:

  1. When I read the title and looked at the image, I couldn't at first understand the connection. However, a closer look at the magnified image showed me how the piece looked like a pregnant woman who has wrapped her hands protectively around her stomach.

    1. It took me some time, too :) At first, I was only thinking about the spots for the prongs but when I finished it, the similarity struck me :) Plus, the moonstone is related to the moon, which in turn is connected to fertility. Originally I thought it was going to be more of a tribal look.

  2. Oh, this is really lovely. I do love some amethyst and moonstone. And, I do see the goddess shape to her. Beautifully done!!

    1. Thank you, Hope! It was not planned, I just went with the ragged flow of the amethyst but I like it so much that I'm not sure it's for sale :)


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